The moment that you died
my heart was torn two,
one side filled with heart ache,
The other died with you.
Love and miss you so much one year today since you left me wish I could see you one more time.
24th February 2018
For all you were to me in Life
and all the joy you brought
Your memory is with me
In every single thought
The pain I felt at losing you
Will never go away
But knowing that
Helps me through each day
When you were here I always felt
That nothing could go wrong
But you're still my inspiration
And your memory keeps me strong
And though my heart is heavy
It's also full of love
And that's enough to comfort me
While you're in heaven above
love always xxxx
24th December 2017
Missing you on your Birthday. Happy birthday dad love and missing you xxxx
2nd August 2017